US History Test 16 Review

  1. 4. We celebrate this on November 11 because it's when World War I ended, to honor those who served. (Be able to write this explanation in your own words!)
  2. 6. This movement was defeated during World War II.
  3. 7. Operation Desert Storm lasted two and a half ___.
  4. 9. Churchill Prime Minister of the UK during World War II
  5. 12. This man was President during Operation Iraqi Freedom. (This is a new fact!)
  6. 14. This war ended November 11, 1918.
  7. 16. In 1983, Reagan sent US troops to liberate this island from Cuba (you missed this on the quiz)
  8. 17. This man destroyed insects to help the builders of the Panama Canal
  9. 18. This war, Operation ___ ___ was due to the invasion of Kuwait.
  10. 19. This President was shot and killed during a motorcade in Dallas.
  11. 21. Berlin was divided after this war.
  12. 23. This man discovered Hawaii
  13. 27. During the ___ ___ war, Teddy Roosevelt led the Rough Riders at San Juan Hill.
  14. 28. The dictator who invaded Kuwait in 1990
  15. 30. In the case Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court ended school ___.
  1. 1. Germany sank this ship during World War I.
  2. 2. This man was leader of Germany during World War I
  3. 3. After September 11, 2001, President George W. Bush declared this because Al Qaeda terrorists had attacked us. (Be able to write this explanation in your own words!)
  4. 4. President Johnson committed the US to be very involved in this war. (This is a new fact!)
  5. 5. Saddam Hussein was finally removed from power during Operation ___ ____.
  6. 6. The first man to walk on the moon
  7. 8. The first female Supreme Court justice
  8. 10. The first black Supreme Court justice
  9. 11. President during World War I
  10. 13. President Reagan's policy that Communism should be stopped before it enters a country was known as this. (Be able to write this explanation in your own words!)
  11. 15. The hurricane that damaged New Orleans was called Hurricane ___.
  12. 20. The only President to resign from office
  13. 22. World War II was ended in Japan with the dropping of two ___ ____.
  14. 24. The man who convinced the US government to buy Alaska
  15. 25. The Cold War was a conflict between the Soviet Union and ___ ____.
  16. 26. The US purchased Alaska from this country
  17. 29. The first war after World War II (This might be a new fact!)