U.S. History - Unit 8 Review 2

  1. 3. Merger of two of the nation's largest unions.
  2. 5. Arab oil monopoly that sought to drive the prices of oil up in the years following the Yom Kippur War in 1973.
  3. 7. Avowed atheist and Marxist who sought to remove all public vestiges of Christianity in America.
  4. 8. Decision that ended school segregation in America.
  5. 10. Introduced the polio vaccine in the 1950s.
  6. 12. Communist revolutionary who overthrew the Cuban government in 1959.
  7. 13. Issued the policy of containment to combat growing Communism in Europe and Asia.
  8. 15. Only man to be elected President on four occasions.
  9. 18. Initials of the man who became the face of the Civil Rights movement in America.
  10. 20. Long-term territory that became the last state to join the Union in 1959.
  11. 22. Commander of U.S. troops in Vietnam.
  12. 25. Husband/wife team who were arrested, tried, convicted, and executed for treason in giving nuclear secrets to the Soviets.
  13. 26. First black to enroll at the Univeristy of Mississippi.
  14. 28. Term created by Churchill to describe the advance of Communism in Eastern Europe.
  15. 29. Day set aside to commemorate the end of World War 2 in Europe.
  16. 30. Plan that gave money and aid to Europe after World War 2.
  17. 31. First American president to visit Red China in 1972.
  1. 1. This pact saw the Soviet Union engage in a military defense alliance with its Communist satellite nations in Europe.
  2. 2. Legislation established to help returning soldiers with healthcare, loans, and a college education.
  3. 4. Her refusal to give up her bus seat triggered a massive protest against segregation in Montgomery, AL.
  4. 5. The alleged assassin of President John Kennedy.
  5. 6. Term used to describe a "war" that is fought with diplomacy, words, and ideologies.
  6. 9. Oppressive racial policy of South Africa.
  7. 11. These "riders" sought to end segregation in inter-state segregation bus travel.
  8. 14. Most visible sign of Soviet oppression in Europe.
  9. 16. Cuban dictator that was overthrown by Communists in 1959.
  10. 17. 1st American in space.
  11. 19. 4th and final president assassinated in U.S. history.
  12. 21. First man-made satellite successfully launched in 1957.
  13. 23. Successor to the League of Nations where nations could work out their problems.
  14. 24. 1st African-American to play in Major League Baseball.
  15. 27. Accused of spying for the Soviets; convicted of perjury in his "spying" trial.