US History WW2

  1. 3. Where did Germany first invade that OFFICIALLY started the war?
  2. 5. Production Board The job of organizing the wartime economy fell to the
  3. 12. Japans attack on the United States
  4. 13. Why did the Office of Price Administrant (OPA) institute price controls during World War II?
  5. 15. All the day long, Whether rain or shine, She's part of the assembly line. She's making history,Working for victory,
  6. 16. Under the terms of France’s surrender to Germany, southeastern France became a _______ known as Vichy France
  7. 17. “By this "me next year we shall know whether the policy of appeasement has appeased, or whether it has only simulated a more ferocious appetite.”—Winston Churchill What “policy of appeasement” was Winston Churchill referring to?
  8. 18. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire
  9. 19. Great Britain, United States, Soviet Union
  10. 20. The quotation below comes from a 1944 Supreme Court decision. Justice Black's opinion was issued in which of theseSupreme Court cases? “It should be noted... that all legal restrictions which curtail the civil rights of a single racial group are immediately suspect.That is not to say that all such restrictions are unconstitutional. It is to say that courts must subject them to the most rigid scrutiny.Pressing public necessity may sometimes justify the existence of such restriction.”
  1. 1. In the 1930s, what legislation signaled the United States policy of isolationism?
  2. 2. piece of legislation made it very difficult for Jews to flee to the United States following Kristallnacht
  3. 4. allowed the United States to send "all aid short of war" to Britain despite its status as a neutral nation early in World War II?
  4. 6. term GI refer to?
  5. 7. A group that was targeted by white mobs in the Zoot Suit Riots
  6. 8. The Atomic Bomb was dropped on which two cities?
  7. 9. Who was the first country to stop Germany in their tracks?
  8. 10. Who was FDR's successor when he died?
  9. 11. The Double V Campaign sought to fight against fascism and
  10. 14. Where were Japanese Americans sent to during the war?