US History

  1. 1. cycle/periodic growth and contraction of the economy.
  2. 3. Tariff/protective import tax authorized by Congress in 1930.
  3. 5. Hughes/most powerful African American literary voice.
  4. 6. move or be directed toward the same purpose or result.
  5. 8. Depression/period lasting from 1929 to 1941 in which the US economy faltered and unemployment soared.
  6. 10. shanty towns set up by homeless people during the Great Depression.
  7. 12. to
  8. 14. Hoover/accomplished public servant.
  1. 2. of making high-risk investments in hopes of obtaining large profits.
  2. 4. Weldon Johnson/poet and secretary of the NAACP.
  3. 7. Smith/the "Empress of the Blue"
  4. 9. Renaissance/flowering of African American culture.
  5. 11. Armstrong/unofficial ambassador of jazz
  6. 13. line/line of people waiting for food handouts from charities or public agencies.
  7. 15. Tuesday/October 29, 1929 when stock prices fell sharply in the Great Crash.