US Histroy

  1. 3. system of government with a king or queen
  2. 5. trials involving burning at the stake
  3. 6. those loyal to king and country are referred to as
  4. 8. those who wanted liberty and rights free from tyranny
  5. 9. settled by french fur trappers alongside the Mississippi river
  6. 12. war fought for freedom in America
  7. 15. colonist militia ready at a minuets notice
  8. 16. redcoats in Boston regarding protestors
  9. 17. colony that is infamous for dissapearing
  10. 18. colony directly ruled by King
  11. 19. hang together or hang separately
  12. 20. limited kings power in 1215
  1. 1. Rome's form of goverment
  2. 2. lack of rule in colonies on Kings behalf
  3. 4. Englands colonies in america
  4. 7. english philosopher that claimed all men are free and equal
  5. 10. cash crop that was sold by Spanish only
  6. 11. form of government involving voting
  7. 13. Englands fight with the french in Ohio
  8. 14. let soldiers of the crown live free in coloniists homes