U.S. Studies II: Review

  1. 4. This document ended World War I
  2. 6. The US Pacific Fleet destroyed four Japanese aircraft carriers in this battle
  3. 7. This marks the border between North and South Korea.
  4. 8. This style of warfare was fought using networks of long, deep ditches
  5. 12. The period of competition and confrontation between the US and the Soviet Union
  6. 14. Executive Order 9066 led to the creation of ______ camps for Japanese Americans
  7. 16. New Deal programs expanded the power of the ________ government.
  8. 19. This is when people rush to banks to withdraw their money
  9. 21. Germany, Italy, and Japan formed this alliance during World War II
  10. 22. This policy wanted to limit the spread of communism through any means.
  11. 24. The arrest of this woman led to the Montgomery Bus Boycotts
  12. 26. The Butler Act banned the teaching of _______ in Tennessee public schools
  13. 27. This boom after WWII led to increased birth rates in the United States
  14. 28. This refers to the legal separation of races.
  15. 29. This American general was given public command of the Ghost Army for the D-Day invasion.
  1. 1. faire This economic philosophy called for little to no government intervention in the economy
  2. 2. Nickname given to shantytowns that popped up across the US during the Great Depression
  3. 3. FDR's plan for addressing the problems of the Great Depression
  4. 5. The invasion of this country officially started World War II.
  5. 6. This general was fired by President Truman over disagreements about the Korean War
  6. 9. This 'curtain' divided Europe into two spheres of influence
  7. 10. The mass genocide of nearly 6 million Jews in Europe during World War II was called..
  8. 11. The 18th amendment ushered in an era known as _______ in the U.S.
  9. 13. Henry Ford mass produced this to make cars more affordable to the American people
  10. 15. Name given to the secret project to develop the atomic bomb
  11. 17. The ________ of Archduke Franz Ferdinand kickstarted World War I.
  12. 18. Japanese pilots deliberately crashed their planes into enemy ships in what attacks
  13. 20. This senator made vague, unfounded accusations that there were communists in the government.
  14. 23. This was a military alliance between the U.S. and western Europe
  15. 25. This tactic was used to end segregation in public places, such as restaurants and theaters.
  16. 30. This person made the decision to use atomic bombs on Japan