U.S. Unit 3 Vocab 55-72

  1. 2. Senators who pledged to vote in favor of the Treaty of Versailles if certain changes were made
  2. 4. Declared Germany and Austria-Hungary responsible for World War I and ordered Germany to pay reparations
  3. 8. An international organization formed in 1920 to promote cooperation and peace among nations
  4. 9. Belief that people in a territory should have the ability to choose their own government
  5. 11. The only women to actually serve in the army and to be sent overseas during WWI
  6. 12. This 1917 law provided for the registration of all American men between the ages of 21 and 30 for a military draft; age limit was later changed to 18 to 45
  7. 14. Senators who voted against the League of Nations with or without reservations
  8. 17. The war aims outlined by President Wilson in 1918, which he believed would promote lasting peace
  9. 18. Gardens planted by American citizens during war to raise vegetables for home use, leaving more for the troops
  1. 1. The treaty imposed on Germany by the Allied powers after the end of World war I
  2. 3. Leader of the Bolshevik Party who overthrew the Russian government and established a Communist government
  3. 5. Board that regulated American industry during WWI
  4. 6. Requiring people to enter military service
  5. 7. 28th president of the United States and known for his leadership in World War I; His main goal was to create a new structure of peace
  6. 10. An international meeting to establish the terms of peace after World War I and to ensure a world war would never happen again
  7. 13. Heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne who was assassinated in 1914 by a Bosnian revolutionary
  8. 15. A temporary agreement to end fighting
  9. 16. Payment by the losing country in a war to the winner for the damages caused by the war