
  1. 3. When we met
  2. 4. Month Baptized in
  3. 7. Admirable quality
  4. 8. How you make me feel
  5. 11. What you are to our kids
  6. 12. Month born in
  7. 13. How you treat me
  8. 14. Feeling you give me
  9. 15. Are Arousing
  10. 16. Favourite Colour
  11. 17. Make me feel loved
  12. 18. How I feel about you
  1. 1. Meal the night of proposal
  2. 2. My heart is filled with it
  3. 5. Favourite Car
  4. 6. Colour of Eyes
  5. 9. Where we met
  6. 10. Love this about you
  7. 14. How I feel to have you