US2 Vietnam

  1. 3. Communist leader of Cuba.
  2. 5. Jellied gasoline.
  3. 11. Name for the Gap that defined the Vietnam War era.
  4. 13. Military alliance that was determined to contain the spread of communism in SE Asia.
  5. 16. Newspaper that published the Pentagon Papers -- and beat Nixon in the (Supreme) Court.
  6. 17. Democratic presidential candidate who was gunned down in 1968.
  7. 19. Founded at U. Michigan to fight for civil rights -- and then shifted to campaigning against Vietnam.
  8. 22. Accords which split Vietnam (at the 17 parallel).
  9. 26. The "shape" of Kissinger's and Nixon's international policy.
  10. 28. Radical anti-war group in the USA.
  11. 30. After the missile crisis, a treaty ended aboveground nucelar _____.
  12. 35. Nixon's rationale for expanding the war was to target the VC _________ (2 words).
  13. 37. Military base in Northwest Vietnam where the French surrendered (1954).
  14. 40. Nationalist leader who fought for Vietnamese independence.
  15. 41. Controversial and labelled as unfair.
  16. 42. Made the Vietnam War a "living room" war.
  17. 44. Nixon's gradual approach to withdrawal.
  18. 48. US General who argued that there was a "light at the end of the tunnel" in 1967.
  19. 52. Location where Nixon sent troops and bombs -- expanding the war.
  20. 53. Bay location where Cuban exiles (and the CIA) tried to launch an invasion to take out Castro.
  21. 56. JFK's general approach to military defense situations (2 words).
  1. 1. Built by the GDR to stop the brain drain and worker drain.
  2. 2. Nixon's goal: Peace with ______.
  3. 4. Intensive bombing campaign (1965) of North Vietnam unleashed by LBJ (2 words).
  4. 6. Classified Papers that revealed the truth about US involvement in the war.
  5. 7. JFK developed the _______ Corps to send volunteers around the world on good will missions of freedom.
  6. 8. North Vietnamese/Viet Cong offensive in early 1968.
  7. 9. LBJ argued that the US had to win over the Vietnamese peoples' "______ and ______" (2 words, no "and").
  8. 10. Theory that if Vietnam fell to communism, so too would other SE Asian countries.
  9. 11. Where the DNC erupted in 1968.
  10. 12. Gulf where the USS Maddox engaged with North Vietnam.
  11. 14. Fell in 1975, after the peace was signed.
  12. 15. A defoliant of the war: Agent _______.
  13. 18. According to reports, this American destroyer was fired upon by North Vietnam.
  14. 20. Communique agreement between the US and China.
  15. 21. Soviet premier who beat the West into space and then tried to put missiles in Cuba.
  16. 23. These Accords proved, to North Vietnam, that their long term strategy worked.
  17. 24. The CIA, along with SV generals, plotted to overthrow this South Vietnamese leader.
  18. 25. Act which required to president to consult with Congress 48 hours after committing US forces to combat.
  19. 27. President who was granted powers to take "all necessary measures" in Vietnam.
  20. 29. Hamlet village that was the site of a US war crime in March 1968.
  21. 31. Ho Chi Minh compared the American army to THIS animal, which is W's favorite!
  22. 32. Secretary of Defense and architect of both the pinprick strategy and Americanization of Vietnam.
  23. 33. Tunnel system used by the Viet Cong.
  24. 34. Abbrev. for the communist rebel group in the South (also known as the Viet Cong).
  25. 36. Students protesting the Cambodian bombing were killed at Jackson State University and at _____ State.
  26. 38. We wanted _____ returned to USA. A key demand, especially after we learned about the "Hanoi Hotel."
  27. 39. Opened by Nixon.
  28. 43. The 26th Amendment lowered the age to do THIS.
  29. 45. Questioned whether the war was a poor man's war -- and whether Black Americans were unfairly put into front lines.
  30. 46. JFK's domestic legislative program (2 words).
  31. 47. Capital of North Vietnam that we bombed.
  32. 49. About 10-11,000 served the US in Vietnam, typically as nurses.
  33. 50. Abbreviation for the resistance guerilla group fighting the US in South Vietnam.
  34. 51. Mayor of Chicago who had his dozers.
  35. 54. Location where Jupiter missiles were removed (secretly).
  36. 55. New tech from the war.