
  1. 3. Your birthday
  2. 7. our first tiktok
  3. 8. tempat aku muntah pas date
  4. 11. our first movie date
  5. 12. gusto’s ice cream flavor
  6. 14. our longest trip
  7. 15. our first date
  8. 16. pantai ter mindblowing
  9. 17. dari sebelum pacaran
  10. 20. our first trip using car
  11. 21. our first and last all you can eat
  12. 22. game
  1. 1. Monday-saturday
  2. 2. outside activity that we do the most (beside eating)
  3. 4. somewhere only we know
  4. 5. one of our favorite thing to eat
  5. 6. “3 main course”
  6. 9. when was the first time you kissed my forehead
  7. 10. my favorite road so far from our date
  8. 13. photos that we take at studio
  9. 18. The color of my shirt on Tsm theme park date
  10. 19. playlist