
  1. 2. Your Name
  2. 6. L'amour
  3. 7. Our Surname
  4. 8. My Name
  5. 11. Your to-be profession
  6. 13. My might-to-be profession
  7. 14. Where we tell people we meet
  8. 15. and Concerns
  9. 16. 1 in UK 1 in MRU
  1. 1. You
  2. 3. How we feel when we are together
  3. 4. Where we met
  4. 5. The person we miss the most
  5. 7. Even with glasses I will see you as such
  6. 9. Me
  7. 10. our relationship
  8. 12. I _ You when you are not here