Useful devices

  1. 2. Solar panels allow us to _________(make use of) the energy from the sun.
  2. 4. It's not cutting-edge technology, but often the ______ ways are the best.
  3. 5. These __________(labour-saving) machines will save the company a lot of money in
  4. 7. They enjoy their jobs as they really _________(appreciate) the time they spend with
  5. 9. Gandhi promoted the use of technology that could _________(give more control to)
  6. 10. colleagues.
  1. 1. A mobile phone is a handy ______(device) to have in emergencies.
  2. 3. It's an enviromentally-friendly product because it's made from ____________ materials.
  3. 6. to be more independent.
  4. 8. The research team managed to find a ________ (clever) solution to the problem.