Useful Things

  1. 3. a piece of material used for cleaning or drying things
  2. 4. a machine for making holes in a hard substance
  3. 5. a thing for cleaning floors that has a long handle and thick strings or a sponge at one end
  4. 6. a tool for cutting paper, hair, etc. that you hold in your hand and that has two blades
  5. 8. a tool with a sharp edge that you use to cut wood or other hard material
  6. 10. a long piece of cloth that you wrap around a part of the body that is hurt
  7. 11. very thick, strong string
  8. 12. a substance used to stick things together
  9. 14. a small electric light that you hold in your hand
  10. 15. a substance that you use to clean your teeth
  11. 16. a thin piece of material that you stick to the skin to cover a small cut
  12. 17. a thin, pointed metal object with a small hole at one end for thread, used in sewing
  1. 1. a tool with a heavy metal part at the top that you use to hit nails into something
  2. 2. a piece of equipment used for pulling corks out of wine bottles
  3. 4. a flat container with a handle, used with a brush for removing dirt from a floor
  4. 7. a piece of equipment used for putting staples through paper
  5. 9. thin metal thread, used to fasten things or to make fences, cages, etc
  6. 13. a piece of equipment with steps for climbing up and down that can stand on its own or be folded for carrying