USH Unit 5 (Expanding Imperialism)

  1. 2. type of income tax code utilized in the US
  2. 7. Act which actually reformed the tariff
  3. 8. In the Progressive Era, Caucuses will be replaced by ___________
  4. 9. Amendment responsible for the direct election of Senators
  5. 11. Amendment responsible for a Federal Income Tax
  6. 15. Nation in the Caribbean which the US will control following the Spanish American War
  7. 17. Battle resulting in US control of the Philippines
  8. 23. form of diplomacy demonstrated in the utilization of the great white fleet
  9. 24. Centralized National Bank Created under Wilson
  10. 25. State jokingly referred to as Sewards Folly/Icebox
  11. 26. Pursuit of Emilio Aguinaldo in the Filipino American War
  12. 27. Group of Volunteer Calvary responsible for the success of the US military at the battle of San Juan Hill
  13. 29. Concept that people are naturally good, but life in a poor environment which shapes them. Emphasizing works over missions, and falling short of our calling to share the gospel
  14. 31. Known as the National Parks President
  15. 35. National land in parks and forests is considered to be a part of _______________________ efforts
  16. 37. Position Jeanette Rankin is elected to in 1917
  17. 38. Primary element of the social gospel.
  1. 1. Black Scientist famous for encouraging new agricultural practices and products using undesirable crops
  2. 3. Gov’t owned utilities (Socialism) to prevent monopolistic abuse and inefficiency
  3. 4. President responsible for legitimate tariff reform
  4. 5. the Nation which received $40 million for the construction rights in Panama
  5. 6. using nitrogen heavy plants to restore nutrients to soil
  6. 10. a key part of Fords manufacturing process, originated by Eli Whitney
  7. 12. Amendment responsible for outlaw of alcohol
  8. 13. Name for window of time when production, sale, and distribution of alcohol is illegal
  9. 14. efficient manufacturing method utilized by Henry Ford
  10. 16. extension of the Monroe Doctrine where the US is to serve as a Global police force for civility
  11. 18. The Central Bank is primarily responsible for managing this
  12. 19. Amendment responsible for women voting
  13. 20. The Nation which was originally in control of the Panama Canal region, but refused US offers to purchase
  14. 21. Form of Diplomacy focused on foreign aid over military dominance
  15. 22. Event which pushes the US to annex Hawaii
  16. 28. type of ballot utilized in the progressive era to prevent political machines
  17. 30. Prestigious medical school which improved and diversified the education of doctors
  18. 32. Senators were formerly chosen by their home ____________________
  19. 33. First Private Group Medical Practice in the US
  20. 34. Nation in the Pacific Coast which the US will control following the Spanish American War
  21. 36. Former Governor of the Philippines, US President