Using Money

  1. 1. An amount in an account
  2. 2. A type of theft where someone steals your personal information
  3. 3. Money that you can spend but doesn't belong to you
  4. 7. When the bank takes your house back
  5. 9. Money you receive on your birthday
  6. 10. A percentage that they bank charges you to hold or keep your money
  7. 11. The amount you need to pay back on a loan
  8. 13. A word that means how much something is worth
  9. 15. The type of account you put money in that you want to keep
  1. 1. A plan of how you are going to spend your money
  2. 4. Something you can do with your money
  3. 5. What you get from a bank when you need money
  4. 6. What your house payments are called
  5. 8. The type of account that allows you to spend money
  6. 12. An organization you can give your money to
  7. 14. A type of credit you have if you don't pay back your credit cards