- 4. Immunizations, CPR, Endocrinology
- 6. EBP, Geriatrics
- 7. Med Chem and microRNA research
- 11. The Dean
- 12. CV, Endo and diabetes research
- 13. Pharmaceutical Sciences Chair
- 15. Kinetics, Ceutics and Lab
- 16. Experiential Director
- 18. Peds, pain & CNS
- 19. Chair, Pharmacy Practice
- 20. Tox
- 1. Calcs and neuropharm with British accent
- 2. Lab, Respiratory, Psych, pharmacogenomic research
- 3. ID 1 2 3 4
- 5. Associate Dean
- 8. CV, immunology and literature eval
- 9. Med Chem and Lab
- 10. Endocrinology Therapeutics, Advanced Clinical Skills
- 14. ID, ACS, Special Pops, general wizardry
- 17. EPB, ACS, IPPE Coordinator