- 1. a type of incomplete uterine rupture
- 3. only induction/augmentation medication recommended for patients with prior uterine incision
- 4. overall the ______ outweighs the risk for a vaginal delivery after cesarean
- 7. _________ is required for all patient education, counselling and POC updates
- 9. type of uterine rupture which is most often associated with misuse of oxytocin
- 10. type of consent a patient must receive prior to signing legal documents
- 2. type of fetal heart rate tracing required while laboring a patient with a previous cesarean section
- 5. term used to identify a patient attempting a vaginal delivery after a previous cesarean section
- 6. symptom of uterine rupture which varies in intensity
- 8. most common surgical procedure preformed in the US