Uterine Rupture

  1. 3. _______ rupture is associated with uterine rupture. A catheter should be placed to avoid this.
  2. 6. A women may have a severe _____ sensation.
  3. 8. A blood ______ may be needed for replacement.
  4. 9. Profusive bleeding or _______ is a sign of uterine rupture.
  5. 11. Most often seen in women with a history of what?
  6. 12. Hyperstimulation from administering ______ can cause uterine rupture.
  1. 1. A complete rupture will require an immediate what?
  2. 2. A common finding is uterine __________.
  3. 4. Maternal hemorrhage can cause fetal ______.
  4. 5. _____ is a major risk factor for uterine rupture.
  5. 7. Maintain the woman in the ______ position to maximize urine blood flow.
  6. 10. A_________ of fetal station may occur.