UTT ch17.1-6 History Crossword

  1. 2. This is the worldview most likely to deconstruct history.
  2. 6. He said "The universe is vast and men are but tiny specks on an insignificant planet."
  3. 10. The study of the method for reconstructing and writing about history.
  4. 11. "The Postmodernis view of history is distinctly ______ (without purpose)." pg 438
  5. 14. Historicism is the practice of interpreting history onto the _____.
  6. 15. Marxist Historical Materialism believes society will move through how many phases?
  7. 16. Who said, "Objectivity is impossible and it is also undesirable."? 17.5
  8. 17. Determinism says that events and actions are ______ and necessary because of previous actions.
  1. 1. This Postmodernist dismissed the idea "facts" and called all history "fiction".
  2. 3. The Ancient Greek writer called 'the father of history.'
  3. 4. "Postmodernism is a sort of grandchild of ________."
  4. 5. He said, "People and gov'ts have never learned anything from history."
  5. 7. The name for a statement that is indisputably known to be true.
  6. 8. This Greek writer was the first 'scientific' historian to separate myth from event.
  7. 9. "Historians all have ____, but that doesn't mean that all accounts of history are false."
  8. 12. "Historians select facts they think are _____ and discard those they think aren't." 17.3
  9. 13. Historical Revisionism reinterprets the past to serve an ______ purpose.
  10. 14. He said, "I don't know much about history, and wouldn't give a nickel for all the history in the world."