
  1. 2. the other guy…
  2. 6. the first female superhero in the MCU
  3. 9. this hero was recently portrayed by a vampire who was killed by Voldemort
  4. 11. the most popular superhero, with 48.7% of votes according to IGN
  5. 13. batman’s dedicated butler
  1. 1. this hero can shift into different animals
  2. 3. the mother of Wonder Woman (aka Diana prince)
  3. 4. the mastermind behind the Marvel comics
  4. 5. “I may be super, but I am no hero”
  5. 7. genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist
  6. 8. a precious medal native to Wakanda
  7. 10. I am _
  8. 12. the first avenger
  9. 14. DC was founded in _
  10. 15. derived from Norse mythology