
  1. 1. Study of living organisms
  2. 3. Study of past events
  3. 6. Science of substances and reactions
  4. 8. Bag for carrying school supplies
  5. 10. Tasks assigned to be completed outside of class
  6. 12. List of planned classes
  7. 13. Study of written works
  8. 15. Head of the school
  9. 16. Personal storage space in school
  10. 18. Different areas of study
  11. 19. School dining area
  1. 2. Branch of mathematics dealing with shapes
  2. 4. People you socialize with at school
  3. 5. Educator in charge of a class
  4. 7. Used for writing notes
  5. 9. Where lessons are taught
  6. 10. Passageway in school
  7. 11. Writing tools with erasers
  8. 14. Books used for studying subjects
  9. 17. Break time between classes