Natural vegetation

  1. 4. plants of a particular region or period
  2. 7. trees which grow in littoral forest
  3. 10. used for making aromatic subtances
  4. 12. it is used to produce paper
  5. 13. it is an astringent
  6. 14. restoration of destroyed forests
  7. 16. has rot resisting character
  8. 17. the science of cultivating trees for sustainable yield
  9. 21. immune to attack of white ants
  10. 22. littoral forest in ganga basin
  11. 24. it can arrest bleeding
  12. 25. it is used in making ornamental plywood
  1. 1. plant cover not disturbed for a long time
  2. 2. its fruit is used to tan and dye cotton
  3. 3. used in railway sleepers the tree is found 3000m altitude
  4. 5. areas which recieve more than 250cm of rainfall
  5. 6. tropical thorn forest has ---- vegetation
  6. 8. vegetation in tropical evergreen forest
  7. 9. special breathing roots
  8. 11. deforestation results in ---- effect
  9. 15. ---- forestry's aim is to reduce population pressure on forest
  10. 18. provides quinine
  11. 19. ---- forest commercially most exploited forest
  12. 20. seeds are used to treat diarrhea
  13. 23. deforestation results in less rainfall resulting in
  14. 26. it can be burnt in moist conditions