
  1. 2. what my house has, what the vacay house has
  2. 5. i could order 20 rn
  3. 7. what it is going to feel like there
  4. 9. where we are going
  5. 10. what our house is
  6. 11. what we're gonna in from the sun
  7. 13. what we'll find on the beach
  8. 14. what we are going to be doing every day
  9. 15. its almost here
  10. 16. what we cant wait to go on
  11. 17. its fun but scary to be in
  1. 1. what town we might be in
  2. 3. my family might do this
  3. 4. when our vacay is
  4. 5. we could be here all day
  5. 6. what i cant wait to do, i could do it rn
  6. 8. what florida is known for
  7. 12. days left
  8. 13. they are in the ocean, scary