Vacation, Mecca, and Kebabs

  1. 2. To be the first to create something
  2. 5. What Jack doesn't know how to do.
  3. 6. The holy city of Islam.
  4. 10. Region of the world where kebabs were invented.
  5. 11. Founder of Islam, born in Mecca.
  6. 13. Something Jack thinks is boring.
  7. 17. Put food in a liquid to add flavor
  8. 19. The number of Muslims that come to Mecca each year.
  9. 21. A set of beliefs or values that a person or group follows.
  10. 24. A famous kebab in Iran.
  11. 25. Meat marinated and cooked on a skewer with vegetables.
  1. 1. Kebabs were originally cooked over this.
  2. 3. A collection of many things
  3. 4. When Jack & Lauren will go camping.
  4. 5. Kebabs were originally skewered with this.
  5. 7. The name for God in Islam.
  6. 8. When Muslims travel to Mecca, it is called the _____.
  7. 9. What Jack did on vacation.
  8. 12. Name for someone who practices Islam.
  9. 13. The number of times per day that Muslims pray.
  10. 14. Think metal or wood stick used to hold pieces of food together.
  11. 15. Where Jack just got back from.
  12. 16. The place where someone is born
  13. 18. The second most popular religion in the world.
  14. 20. To talk to a god
  15. 22. To accept as true
  16. 23. A black building in Mecca that Muslims walk around & kiss.