Vacation Time

  1. 2. When you look for something in a store, but you don't buy anything...
  2. 5. You can see your position so you do not get lost.
  3. 7. This word means that you can use the product only one time (or just a few times).
  4. 9. When you talk about something you bought, watched, used, etc., you make a ____.
  5. 11. How do you call a bunch of flowers together?
  6. 13. You wear this to protect your eyes from the sun.
  7. 16. in what country can you find the Chatuchak Weekend Market.
  8. 17. This person is the one that sells things, not the one who buys.
  9. 18. These are usually small tools that have an specific function, and that are helpful.
  10. 20. How do you call the money from a country?
  1. 1. When you want to pay less for a product, you ____.
  2. 3. If you want to protect your skin from the sunlight, you use ____.
  3. 4. People wear this usually on their ears.
  4. 6. When you go explore, to walk, you go ____.
  5. 8. To go biking you need a ____.
  6. 10. What can you buy at a flower shop?
  7. 12. When you exchange one thing for another instead of buying with money.
  8. 14. How do you call the surrounding part of a picture, and that protects it?
  9. 15. You drink it when you are thirsty.
  10. 19. It is like a little house you can stay when camping.