Valentine :)

  1. 4. I ____ you
  2. 6. something we do well together
  3. 10. what do we love
  4. 12. our other future cats name
  5. 13. what you like to do with the covers at night
  6. 15. what I like to do to your arm
  7. 16. what I’d like to give you every night before bed
  8. 20. what we eat a lot of
  9. 22. What one might say to a princess
  10. 23. Ruler of stink
  11. 24. your original nickname
  12. 25. what Ollie is
  1. 1. think Sierra but backwards
  2. 2. where we first met
  3. 3. what do we hate
  4. 5. I always give you mine off my sandwiches
  5. 7. what we feel before bed
  6. 8. Patrick’s instructions to squidward when they went jellyfish hunting
  7. 9. do you know?
  8. 11. my feelings towards you in 3 simple words :)
  9. 14. your favorite smell
  10. 17. did I pee the bed?
  11. 18. our totally not fat future cats name
  12. 19. what you asked sleepy and drunk early on before we were dating
  13. 20. I’m getting an honorary ___
  14. 21. best summer trip ever!