Valentine Vocabulary

  1. 3. a style of imaginative writing that shares emotions
  2. 5. Geoffrey ____, a famous poet from the Middle Ages
  3. 7. plays and stories that make light of life, help people laugh
  4. 9. a high-ranking member of the Catholic church
  5. 10. someone recognized as special (and usually dead) by the Catholic church
  6. 11. the month in which Valentine's Day is celebrated
  7. 12. something especially important from history
  8. 14. a mythical holiday compared to Valentine's Day
  1. 1. someone killed because of their religious faith
  2. 2. a legend or imagined story that tries to explain a truth
  3. 3. an ancient writer
  4. 4. the possibly mythical man behind St. Valentine's Day
  5. 5. special actions to mark an occasion or event
  6. 6. a special event/day marked on a calendar
  7. 8. common ideas repeated in literature throughout time
  8. 9. two people have agreed to marry each other
  9. 13. coming from Rome or Italy, especially in ancient times