
  1. 2. Cupid shoots you with is *
  2. 4. I* You
  3. 5. stuffed animal typically given on valentines day
  4. 7. the day valentines day is on
  5. 8. Baby that shoots arrows
  6. 9. when you love someone but dont want them to know you become they're secret*
  7. 11. what beats in our chest
  8. 13. what cupid has on his back
  9. 14. XOXO stands for hugs and*
  1. 1. candy given on valentines day
  2. 3. the month valentines day is in
  3. 6. the color of a heart is
  4. 9. what cupid shoots
  5. 10. valentines day flower
  6. 12. these are on rose stems