
  1. 1. What happened to St. Valentine?
  2. 3. We need one of these once in a while
  3. 5. A feeling of excitement and love towards something
  4. 7. You have ____ love for your friends
  5. 9. something that makes this day hard for some
  6. 10. The Roman god of love
  7. 11. "____ is in the air."
  8. 16. the candies that are shaped like a heart
  9. 17. what you give to show you want to marry your partner
  10. 18. The people we most have trouble with but still love
  11. 20. The candy gifted on this day
  1. 2. The toughest thing to love
  2. 4. What is dating someone of the same gender
  3. 6. the month of love
  4. 8. A body part that symbolizes passion
  5. 12. What is your partner called on this day
  6. 13. To lean in and ___ someone
  7. 14. a romantic place to just walk, especially during sunset
  8. 15. A bouquet of ____
  9. 19. something you can pay for to send messages and candy; can be provided by the school