Valentines Day

  1. 3. how many children do raine and ty have?
  2. 4. raine will ________ love ty.
  3. 5. i _____ you.
  4. 6. what is raine's favorite pet name to be called?
  5. 7. is raine hot, hot, or hot?
  6. 8. how many years has raine and ty spent together?
  7. 10. what is raine and ty's relationship status?
  8. 11. raine is ty's ______.
  9. 14. ty is _____________ to raine.
  10. 15. ty is raine's ___________.
  11. 16. what is raine's favorite pet name to use?
  12. 18. raine will _______ leave ty.
  1. 1. is ty smart, sweet, cute, or all choices?
  2. 2. raine is in ______ with ty.
  3. 3. how did raine and ty meet?
  4. 6. raine wants to get _________ to ty.
  5. 9. what month did raine and ty start dating?
  6. 12. raine wants to spend her ______ with ty.
  7. 13. what is the first plushie that raine sent ty?
  8. 17. will you be my valentine?