Valentine's Day

  1. 1. the second month
  2. 5. shiny and sparkling material used for decorations
  3. 6. Somewhere you go eat
  4. 7. shoots arrows
  5. 8. you watch on Netflix
  6. 9. a emotion
  7. 13. given to people on special occasions
  8. 14. a character on Elmo eats them
  9. 15. jewelry you put on your finger
  10. 18. has heluim inside
  11. 20. are part of the flower
  12. 22. used to carry things
  13. 23. is a sweet treat made out of sugar
  14. 24. a symbol of love
  1. 2. when two people get together
  2. 3. something you do to make the place look better
  3. 4. something you write to somebody
  4. 7. something made out of cocoa beans
  5. 10. Hugs and Kisses
  6. 11. red and white mixed
  7. 12. lips touching
  8. 14. smells when you light them up
  9. 16. bees love them
  10. 17. you dance to it
  11. 19. you put it around your neck
  12. 21. the color of an apple
  13. 22. a ribbon knot
  14. 24. wrapping your arm around someone