Valentine's Day

  1. 3. What text structure does the author use in this passage?
  2. 8. Valentine's Day started with a man named _________
  3. 10. Who created the strict laws of Rome?
  4. 11. Valentine's Day is also known as ______ of Saint Valentine
  5. 13. Where did Valentine's Day originate?
  6. 14. Fictional baby with wings called Cupid
  7. 15. Besides flowers, What does Valentine's Day cause the highest sale of?
  1. 1. What Revolution was Valentine's Day more popular with?
  2. 2. What day is Valentine's Day celebrated?
  3. 4. Valentine's Day is considered a major _____ across the world
  4. 5. What is the author's purpose in writing this passage?
  5. 6. When Valentinus was caught to was __________
  6. 7. What is the genre of this text?
  7. 9. What emotion is Valentine's Day associated with?
  8. 12. Valentinus gave marriage to many soldiers in _________