Valentine's Day

  1. 2. To squeeze someone you love with your arms.
  2. 3. To care about someone very much, "I ____ you".
  3. 4. A color that is a mix of red and white.
  4. 7. The month that Valentine's Day falls in.
  5. 8. To touch with the lips as a mark of love or greeting.
  6. 9. A winged baby who is said to shoot arrows at people to make them fall in love.
  7. 10. Alphabet letters that stand for "hugs and kisses"
  8. 11. The color of a heart.
  1. 1. Plants with petals given to someone you love.
  2. 2. Body part that beats in your chest.
  3. 5. The first letter in each word of the phrase "I Love You"
  4. 6. A card or gift for someone you love on February 14th.
  5. 9. A Sweet treat given to someone to show love, maybe in a heart shaped box.