Valentine's Day

  1. 4. Miley Cyrus song: "I can buy myself _____."
  2. 5. Sweet cocoa.
  3. 7. The month when Valentine's Day happens.
  4. 13. He wears a tuxedo.
  5. 14. When you don't have a partner.
  6. 16. You write this to someone to express your feelings for them.
  7. 18. When two people end their relationship.
  8. 19. Two people say "I do" at their ______.
  9. 21. Sweets that you can eat.
  10. 23. Two people who are in a relationship.
  1. 1. When someone asks their partner to marry them.
  2. 2. What you wear to smell good.
  3. 3. Valentine's Day is to celebrate ______.
  4. 6. A married man.
  5. 8. She wears a white dress.
  6. 9. Funny movies about relationships are called ______ comedies.
  7. 10. The one person who is meant for you.
  8. 11. A married woman.
  9. 12. The organ that pumps blood.
  10. 15. A baby who has wings and shoots people with arrows.
  11. 17. You wear this on your finger.
  12. 20. When you start to have feelings for someone.
  13. 22. A dinner for two.