Valentine's Day!

  1. 1. Who is the mascot of Valentine's Day?
  2. 3. Red and ____ are colors seen on Valentine's Day.
  3. 6. What flower do people usually receive on Valentine's Day?
  4. 8. Valentine's day was named after Bishop _____.
  5. 10. People usually go out on a ____ on Valentine's Day.
  6. 11. _____ are two people made for each other.
  7. 12. What shape represents love?
  8. 14. Goddess of love, _____.
  1. 1. Who goes out on Valentine's Day?
  2. 2. What is the most given candy on Valentine's Day?
  3. 4. Boyfriends usually get their girlfriends ____ on Valentine's Day.
  4. 5. What day of February is Valentine's on?
  5. 7. What color usually represents strong emotions of love?
  6. 9. Finish the sentence, "I ____ you!"
  7. 13. Cupid shoots you with his ____ to make you fall in love.