Valentine's day

  1. 2. Flower associated with Valentine's Day.
  2. 5. Another word for liking someone.
  3. 6. Sometimes attached to a valentine.
  4. 8. The saint Valentine's Day is named after.
  5. 9. The Roman emperor that caused the start of Valentine's Day.
  6. 11. The month of Valentine's day.
  7. 13. One color of Valentine's Day.
  8. 14. Another color of Valentine's Day.
  1. 1. Associated with love and Valentine's day.
  2. 3. Things you give people.
  3. 4. The feeling most commonly associated with Valentine's Day.
  4. 7. Something you do as boyfriend and girlfriend.
  5. 9. The angel of Valentine's Day.
  6. 10. Things you give your Valentine (Hallmark).
  7. 12. The country Valentine's Day started in.