Valentine's Day

  1. 4. A book genre often read around Valentine's Day.
  2. 7. Popular flower in Valentine bouquets.
  3. 8. A love language.
  4. 10. A color often associated with Valentine's Day.
  5. 13. A color often worn on Valentine's Day.
  6. 14. Boyfriend/girlfriend
  7. 15. Shoots arrows to make people fall in love.
  1. 1. An amazing emotion often associated with Valentine's Day.
  2. 2. City of love.
  3. 3. Something you give someone on Valentine's day.
  4. 5. Delicious candy that strawberries are often covered in.
  5. 6. The month of Valentine's Day.
  6. 9. A chubby child with wings.
  7. 11. Something people do when they're in love.
  8. 12. Sweet treats often given with valentines.