Valentine's Day

  1. 3. If you really like someone, he/she is your _____. You have a _____ on him/her.
  2. 6. This is slang way to say kissing passionately for a long time.
  3. 8. This is sweet food made mostly from sugar.
  4. 10. This is a word for extremely beautiful. It’s usually used to describe females.
  5. 11. People like to buy this sweet brown treat on Valentine’s Day.
  6. 12. Lovers that show their affection openly (like kissing in public) are called _______.
  7. 14. When you fall in love the first time you see someone, it is called love at _______.
  8. 16. A long written message expressing love to a lover is a ___________.
  9. 19. People often play with each other when they are attracted. This is called _______.
  10. 24. This is a colorful rubber or plastic bag of air that floats on the end of a string.
  11. 26. This is the feeling of mystery or excitement that is related to love.
  12. 27. This is when two dating couples go out together for a shared date.
  13. 28. This means to hold someone close in a warm, comfortable and loving way.
  14. 29. A beautiful person who causes many people to fall in love but isn’t interested.
  15. 32. When you are crazy about someone, you can say you are _______ with them.
  16. 33. A bunch of flowers that are wrapped together in a bundle is called a __________.
  1. 1. He is a flying love god who shoots arrows that make people fall in love.
  2. 2. “Roses are red, Violets are blue..” This is an example of a ________.
  3. 4. This word usually describes a male who is very good-looking.
  4. 5. This is a short, casual relationship with lots of passion but no commitments.
  5. 7. This is what lovers do at the beginning of their relationship to impress each other.
  6. 8. When two people have matching personalities, they have good ________.
  7. 9. This is a cute, soft animal doll that people often give as a present.
  8. 13. This means good-looking and it can be used for men and women.
  9. 15. This is the person you believe is your one perfect match in the whole world.
  10. 17. This is someone who tries to help two people fall in love.
  11. 18. Lovers often celebrate the start date of their relationship as an _________.
  12. 20. This kind of passionate kiss makes use of tongues.
  13. 21. A _____ date is when you go on a date with someone you have never met before.
  14. 22. A very kind, helpful person or a boyfriend/girlfriend can be called a ________.
  15. 23. This is someone who follows and gives unwanted, obsessive attention to another.
  16. 25. When two lovers end their relationship, it is a ________.
  17. 30. Someone who has secret romantic feelings for another is a secret ________.
  18. 31. When you love and respect someone deeply, you can say you _______ them.