  1. 3. A sweet food made by making a mixture of flour, eggs, sugar, and fat in the oven.
  2. 7. A weapon for shooting arrows which consists of a long piece of curved wood with a string attached to both its ends.
  3. 8. A sweet hard food made from cocoa beans. It is usually brown in colour and is eaten as a sweet.
  4. 11. Small circles of metal that you wear on your fingers as jewellery.
  5. 14. The part of a plant which is often brightly coloured, grows at the end of a stem, and only survives for a short time.
  6. 16. Two people who are married, living together or having a romantic relationship.
  7. 17. The organ in your chest that pumps blood around your body.
  1. 1. A piece of writing in which the words are chosen for their beauty and sound and are carefully arranged, often in short lines with rhymes.
  2. 2. Small, thin, rubber bags that you blow into the air, used as decorations.
  3. 4. A long thin weapon which is sharp and pointed at one end and which often has feathers at the other end. It is shot from a bow.
  4. 5. The Roman God of love. He is usually shown as a baby boy with wings and a bow and an arrow.
  5. 6. Birds that look like pigeons but are smaller and lighter in colour, used as a symbol of peace.
  6. 8. A stick of hard wax with a piece of string called a wick through the middle that you light to give a flame.
  7. 9. An appointment to meet someone or go out with him/her, especially someone with whom you are having, or may soon have a romantic relationship.
  8. 10. Touch someone with your lips to show affection.
  9. 12. Something that you give someone as a present.
  10. 13. A very strong feeling of affection towards someone who you are romantically attracted to.
  11. 15. A flower with a pleasant smell which grows on a bush with stems that have sharp points called thorns on them.
  12. 16. A piece of stiff paper or cardboard on which something is written or printed.
  13. 17. Put your arms around someone and hold him/her tightly to show affection.