Valentine's day

  1. 1. if he shoots you with a arrow you will fall in love with the next person you see
  2. 4. the two most common colors used at Valentine's Day are ____ and red
  3. 6. the month that Valentine's Day is in
  4. 7. the day of the month that Valentine's Day is on
  5. 8. a type of candy that is often given out on Valentine's Day
  6. 9. being helpful and doing good deeds
  7. 10. the first color in the rainbow
  8. 11. "F" in BFF
  9. 12. what the groom and bride do at a wedding
  10. 13. a shape that is often used around valentines day
  1. 1. a sweet treat that you might get on Valentine's Day
  2. 2. a sign made out of letters that stands for hugs and kisses
  3. 3. a type of string that you might use to put on a present
  4. 4. a series of words that might rhyme and has a rhythm
  5. 5. a card or gift sent on valentines day
  6. 7. where bees fly to get pollen
  7. 8. something made out of paper that you might get on Valentine's Day
  8. 13. to wrap your arms around someone
  9. 14. a type of flower that has thorns