Valentine's Day

  1. 2. you can write a sweet message in this
  2. 4. when you go to a nice restaurant with your girlfriend or boyfriend, you go on a ____
  3. 5. a boy with wings and a bow and arrow that he shoots you with and you fall in love
  4. 7. something you write, with words that rhyme
  5. 8. you blow them up with air, they come in many shapes, and you can pop them with a needle
  6. 9. the month that Valentine's Day is in
  7. 11. the shape of love; also, an organ in your body
  1. 1. a cute stuffed toy, it's usually brown and looks like a popular animal
  2. 2. something brown and sweet that you give to someone on Valentine's Day
  3. 3. the name for rings, bracelets, necklaces and earrings
  4. 5. something sweet and usually shaped like a heart on Valentine's Day
  5. 6. a feeling you have for someone you really like
  6. 10. a popular flower you give to someone on Valentine's Day