Valentine's Day

  1. 1. a box for receiving the mail delivered to one particular address.
  2. 5. a group made up of a parent or parents and their children.
  3. 7. a food substance that is made from ground cacao seeds. Can be used to make a hot beverage or a candy bar.
  4. 8. a chocolate confection made by Hershey's; similar in shape to a cone.
  5. 11. specific character of an alphabet that represent a sound of speech; parts of words.
  6. 12. one of a pack of small pieces of thick paper printed with designs and numbers and used for playing various games such as bridge, poker, and the like.
  7. 15. the part of a plant that has petals and that makes fruit or seeds; blossom.
  8. 16. the god of love in Roman mythology.
  1. 2. a small bag made of rubber or other strong, light material that can be filled with air, or a gas lighter than air, and used as a decoration or toy.
  2. 3. a little cake for one person. Got their name because they were baked in a mold that has the size and shape of a cup.
  3. 4. a gift given to someone, usually wrapped in decorative paper.
  4. 6. people closely attached to you by affection and esteem.
  5. 9. a slender pointed or tipped shaft that is shot from a bow.
  6. 10. a confection made with sugar or other sweetener, usu. with flavorings such as chocolate or peppermint and fillings such as nuts.
  7. 11. deep and strong affection for another person or thing, esp. a friend, relative, or pet.
  8. 13. the organ that pumps blood through the circulatory system of a person or animal.
  9. 14. to enfold or squeeze affectionately with the arms; embrace.