Valentine's Day

  1. 2. You can celebrate Valentine's Day with your friends, your boyfriend or girlfriend, or your ________.
  2. 4. Two thousand years ago, the most powerful army in the world belonged to _________.
  3. 5. Julia, the daughter of Valentine's jailer, was ________ until Valentine healed her.
  4. 7. St. Valentine decided to let soldiers _______ in his church.
  5. 9. An English writer who made the connection between romance and Valentine's Day more popular.
  6. 10. It's popular to dip this fruit in chocolate for Valentine's Day.
  7. 12. Candies with messages on them.
  1. 1. Love between friends.
  2. 3. Emperor ____________ II worried his army was growing soft, so he forbade his army from getting married.
  3. 6. St. Valentine was a ______, which means he died for the sake of his faith.
  4. 8. Valentine signed his last letter to Julia, "From _______ Valentine."
  5. 11. "Life is like a _____ of chocolates" is a very famous quote. (Hint, it's a popular Valentine's Day candy).