Valentine's Day

  1. 5. Tom’s flavor haven
  2. 7. Pond, Our magical place
  3. 9. Southeastern U.S. state on the Gulf of Mexico
  4. 12. U.S. state that stretches from the Chesapeake Bay to the Appalachian Mountains
  5. 13. Cora’s favorite flower
  6. 14. Planned date
  7. 16. Go-to game
  8. 18. First date
  9. 20. Tom’s second top movie
  10. 23. book, Best gift from your mother
  11. 24. Best pizza
  1. 1. chocolate chip, Type of ice cream
  2. 2. blankets, Tom’s pet peeve
  3. 3. Common hobby
  4. 4. Fortunate
  5. 6. Minx
  6. 8. house of pancakes, Best charade phrase
  7. 10. New favorite game
  8. 11. Tom’s top movie
  9. 15. A beautiful woman
  10. 17. king cole, Tom and Cora’s love song artist
  11. 18. Danish, pastry with cream cheese filling and almond icing
  12. 19. cap, Truth
  13. 20. Greene, Tom’s new favorite guitarist
  14. 21. Liquid required each day
  15. 22. Feline with a constant eye drip