Valentine's Day

  1. 1. What "strange" fruit do Hagele's put peanut butter on?
  2. 5. Type of saxophone Adam played
  3. 8. An early morning breakfast at Big Bear
  4. 11. Embarrassing nickname associated with laser tag birthday party
  5. 13. Adam's favorite musical artist (last name)
  6. 14. A conference we attended with our parents
  7. 17. Acronym of Adam's job in college
  8. 19. Best bunny name
  9. 20. Radio station always on in Adam's car
  1. 2. Adam's Enneagram number
  2. 3. Adam's new go-to quick recipe (Asian flair)
  3. 4. Adam's favorite song by favorite artist
  4. 6. Adam's favorite animal
  5. 7. What is Adam's favorite movie about?
  6. 9. What did Adam collect growing up?
  7. 10. Career that Adam wanted to pursue but Alex discouraged (young age)
  8. 12. Adam's middle name
  9. 15. Last name of player who made the game winning shot at the King's game
  10. 16. A heist for the ages
  11. 18. The prettiest town in Switzerland (according to Adam)