Valentine's Day

  1. 2. that date was so ________.
  2. 5. a plant that people give to people they love
  3. 8. a color that is a mixture of red and white
  4. 9. a shape that is used to show love
  5. 10. kids like to eat it and it contains sugar
  6. 11. bear a stuffed animal that is very popular on valentines day
  1. 1. people go on a ____ when they are boyfriend and girlfriend
  2. 2. a red flower that symbolizes love
  3. 3. a type of candy that is brown and can be a dark kind or a milk kind
  4. 4. another word for pretty
  5. 6. a strong bond between people
  6. 7. a baby that has a bow and arrow
  7. 9. when people wrap their arms around each other