valentines day around the world

  1. 3. Mass weddings are a common Valentine's Day tradition in this country's capital city, Manila.
  2. 5. In this Southeast Asian country, couples often get married on a mountaintop on Valentine's Day.
  3. 6. In the _____ _______, Valentine’s Day is celebrated on May 1st; young couples go on a pilgrimage to the statue of the poet Karol Hynek Macha, and kiss under the cherry trees for good luck.
  4. 10. In ________, pigs are just as common a symbol of love as cupids and hearts.
  5. 11. In this country, it is traditional for women to be the gift givers on Valentine's Day.
  6. 12. In _____ ______, women "wear their heart on their sleeves" by pinning the name of their love interest to their shirts.
  7. 13. In this country, men carve ornate spoons out of wood for their loves, and Valentine's Day is celebrated on January 25th.
  8. 14. In this country, men give women anonymous cards, or on paper snowflakes. If the woman guesses who it’s from, she earns an Easter egg on Easter Sunday. If she doesn’t, she owes an egg to the sender.
  1. 1. In this Balkan country, Valentine's Day is more about nature and spring than about romance between human couples.
  2. 2. According to legend, Saint Valentine secretly married couples in defiance of the Emperor's orders. This allegedly happened the home of Romeo and Juliet, Verona, _____.
  3. 4. In this country, single people traditionally eat black noodles on Valentine's Day, or as the single people call it, "Black Day".
  4. 7. One of ________’s Valentine’s Day traditions was for women to place bay leaves on their pillows on Valentine’s Eve to bring dreams of their future husbands.
  5. 8. In the city of Belgrod, in ___________, banned the holiday because they felt it was against "proper" values.
  6. 9. There was a time in _________ when Valentine's Day often turned into a riot because their traditional matchmaking lottery would go badly.
  7. 10. In this country, Valentine's Day is known as "National Chocolate Day" to promote its chief export, the cocoa bean.