Valentine's Day Crossword

  1. 1. A celebration when people get married
  2. 4. When you like someone romantically
  3. 7. A round thing which you blow up (in Spanish it's "globo")
  4. 8. A type of flower which is blue
  5. 12. Novia
  6. 16. Besar
  7. 17. The person that Valentine's Day was named after (5, 8)
  8. 19. Which day in February is Valentine's day? (remember to add 'th' at the end)
  9. 20. A shape which means love, it's also a part of the body
  1. 2. Casarse
  2. 3. A term of affection which means 'miel' in Spanish
  3. 5. A sweet food you might give as a gift on Valentine's day
  4. 6. Colourful plants which people give their partner on Valentine's day
  5. 7. Novio
  6. 9. Something you give and receive, a gift
  7. 10. How you might describe someone you love (in Spanish it literally means 'dulce')
  8. 11. A colour associated with love and passion
  9. 13. How you say "te quiero" in English (1, 4, 3)
  10. 14. When people meet to spend romantic time together
  11. 15. A type of flower which is red
  12. 18. Something you write on Valentine's day which starts with "roses are red, violets are blue..." (4, 5)