Valentine's Day Crossword

  1. 1. A slender, feathered shaft shot from a bow.
  2. 4. An intense but often short-lived infatuation.
  3. 6. A candy made from or coated with flavoring.
  4. 10. A social engagement or occasion arranged beforehand.
  5. 11. A person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
  6. 12. Loyal, faithful, sincere, steadfast
  7. 14. Compelling emotion.
  8. 15. An anacronym that describes a relationship.
  9. 18. Devotees.
  10. 20. Red, pink, white or yellow.
  11. 21. Something given voluntarily without payment in return.
  1. 2. A love affair.
  2. 3. To observe or commemorate.
  3. 4. The Roman God of carnal love.
  4. 5. Pleasing or agreeable.
  5. 6. Identifies the holder.
  6. 7. Any of various confections made with sugar of syrup.
  7. 8. Deep affection.
  8. 9. To join lips in affection.
  9. 11. a flourishing product.
  10. 13. Color of passion.
  11. 16. To court playfully.
  12. 17. The center of emotion.
  13. 19. To clasp tightly in the arms.