Valentine's Day Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. (an expression of love and affection)
  2. 5. (the period of time between a proposal and a marriage)
  3. 8. (a sweet food often given as a gift on Valentine's Day)
  4. 9. (a social or romantic appointment)
  5. 11. (two people in a relationship)
  6. 13. (a romantic meal shared by a couple)
  7. 14. (something given as a token of affection)
  8. 16. (a term of endearment for a loved one)
  9. 18. (to hold someone close for warmth and affection)
  10. 19. letter (a written expression of love and affection)
  11. 20. (often given as a gift on Valentine's Day)
  1. 1. (the annual celebration of a significant event, such as a wedding)
  2. 2. (a person to whom one is romantically attracted)
  3. 4. (a request for marriage)
  4. 6. (a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love)
  5. 7. (a vacation taken by a newly married couple)
  6. 10. (feeling of strong affection)
  7. 12. (symbol of love and affection)
  8. 15. (used to describe the duration of love)
  9. 17. (a ceremony in which two people are married)